The 13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes™ quiz is based on my original, psychology-driven catalogue of 13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes. Based on Jungian psychology and research into the inner-lives of history’s most fascinating women, this original system will help you understand your potential to captivate and make sense of your deepest, most innate drives.
What do you need to feel genuine happiness? What are your greatest challenges in love and life and what can you do specifically to overcome then? What legendary sirens possessed the exact same magic as you, and how did they wield it to their advantage?
What is an archetype?

There is a reason why the same cast of characters recur throughout human history– in myth, in folklore, in literature and film. These universal characters are what revolutionary psychologist Carl Jung referred to as archetypes; instinctive, universal patterns and images that reside burrowed in the “human collective unconscious”. According to Jung, archetypes are the foundation of all our unlearned, instinctive patterns of behavior.
A person who closely embodies an archetype is capable of triggering a deep, primal, neurological response that completely bypasses conscious thought. Even if we don’t experience a sexual attraction, these magnetic characters, like mythic figures come to life, command our rapt attention. We feel as if we know them because on an intuitive level, we do. Consider the global notoriety of Martin Luther King who appeared as the archetypal messiah, and Mother Theresa, the archetypal mother, even after death.
What are the feminine archetypes?
There are seven feminine archetypes that prevail in contemporary society—the mother, the maiden, the queen, the huntress, the sage, the mystic and the lover. The presence of these archetypes in our psyches account for the major personality differences among women; they are the inner forces that silently shape the arc of our lives. For example, women who largely identify with the huntress are primarily concerned with independence and the fulfillment of personal goals, while those aligned with the queen seek fulfillment through marriage.
What is the significance of the lover archetype?

Most women are a hybrid of some, if not all of the 7 archetypes. However, when it comes to seduction, one archetype matters most; the lover. Identification with this archetype is the common denominator among women who radiate a mesmerizing, magnetizing energy.
The lover archetype represents a woman’s connection to the sacred erotic, the powerful, creative force that mankind worshipped for the better part of human history. And just as the Greek goddess Aphrodite caused mortals and deities to fall in love, and Oshun represents the power of pleasure and sweetness of life–when a woman is connected to the lover archetype she essentially attracts out of the mere fullness of her being.
The lover archetype has nothing to do with traditional sex appeal or male-authored images of pinups that may come to mind.
The lover archetype represents a life force energy. One one hand, it is the creative energy that compels us to mate and pass on our genes. But in a broader sense, this life force energy, whether referred to as shakti, chi, or anything else, compels us to channel our passion into creating new realities- whether that creation is another human being, an intense connection, a work of art, a poem, a theory, an invention, or even the manifestation of a new reality.
Women who embody the lover archetype, are intimately connected to this creative energy, their sacred eroticism, their sensuality, their passion, and above all, their pleasure. It’s an energy channel available to every human being.
What are the 13 Feminine Seduction Archetypese TM ?
The 13 Feminine Seduction Archetypes™ is an original system (click here for infographic) based on the unique interaction of the lover archetype with the remaining 6 archetypes. There are 13 seduction archetypes; the siren, the sophisticate, the boss, the bohemian, the coquette, the goddess, the enigma, the sensualist, the lady, the diva, the empress, the ingenue and the gamine. This one-of-a-kind, revolutionary catalogue of feminine archetypes is the outcome of years of research in Jungian psychology in addition to probing the rich inner-lives of history’s most fascinating women.
Click here to learn more about the archetype assessment and take for yourself.
When you tap into your defining archetypes, you connects with the essential truth of who you are. After you’ve completed the quiz, visit The Feminine Odyssey to discover how you harness your unique personality blueprint in order to captivate– and build a legendary life.
During the Feminine Odyssey you will learn how to activate each archetype with exercises, lifestyle changes and helpful prompts. You’ll expand your knowledge of each archetype along with their modern day and ancient, mythological incarnations. You’ll get access to practical advice about how to use the various archetypes to reach your love, career , and personal goals. You’ll understand the ancient stories and patterns emerging in your life– and finally discover your “why”.
Powerfully yours,
Or explore each archetype: Siren | Sophisticate | Boss | Bohemian | Coquette | Goddess | Enigma | Diva | Empress | Sensualist | Lady | Ingenue | Gamine