You radiate a deeply rooted, nurturing, and all-consuming love.

The mother...
Is your DOMINANT feminine archetype.
The Lover...
even if not your second highest archetype is ACTIVE, and ideally above 70%.

A snapshot of the Lady

Patron Saint:
Susan Sarandon
In Pop Culture:
Ayesha Curry

On television:
Daphne Moon, Frasier
In film:
Dorothy Boyd, Jerry Maguire

Your Potential To Captivate
Your seductive appeal may be understated. You have a warm, grounding, down-to-earth energy that magnetizes. Your authenticity and vulnerability invites others to lower their guard. With you, there are no gimmicks or games. You are completely emotionally available.
There are many reasons people may succumb to your charms. You see the best in them and you give of yourself freely. You don’t mind pampering your partner, feeding their ego, or creating a divine meal. Your natural charisma and entertaining skills are apart of your seductive signature. You appeal to the inner child lingering in every man that longs for an earth-shattering, all consuming love. No matter what people do for a living or what station in life they’ve met— this inner child never goes away.
Women who are dominated by the mother archetype can easily struggle with boundaries. You are your most captivating when you are running on all cylinders, and you are fully tapped into the mother and lover energy. When this happens, “ladies” exude an energy that is warm and captivating in an almost primal way. The mother and lover archetypes are the most primordial feminine archetypes, so when experienced together they incite a deep, primitive response . But when you allow your boundaries to be eroded, you become a shell of yourself. You can easily become a doormat– your charms taken for granted, and even used. When attempting to pour from a tapped well, you can easily feel exhausted, frustrated, and in the extremes, destructive, completely diminishing your ability to feel good in your skin, and effortlessly magnetize. Dominant mother women are also prone to struggle to embrace their sexual energy as one of the archetypes that may have to be more deliberate in their journey.
In the Lady Seduction Archetype Bundle You will ...
- Discover and leverage the BEST aspects of your personality, and charm naturally
- Pour into yourself-- and protect your natural magnetism with healthy boundaries
- Eliminate your codependent behaviors, and learn to stand in your awe-inspiring power
- Ignite and express your magnetic, 'lover' energy together with your 'mother' energy
- Get unstuck-- and understand the stories playing out in your life right now
- Learn how other "ladies", just like you, lead remarkable lives
- Attract people and opportunity by being MORE of yourself
- Know the kind of partners you naturally attract-- and how to powerfully navigate those relationships
- Start daily practices and make lifestyle choices that align you with your archetype
- Leverage your archetype for wealth, opportunity and abundance

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Curious about your archetype? Take the psychology-driven Seduction Archetype Quiz.
Click to learn more about the other archetypes: Siren | Sophisticate | Boss | Bohemian | Coquette | Goddess | Enigma | Diva | Empress | Sensualist | Lady | Ingenue | Gamine